Don Juan (In English)

Seducing woman is an art. It happens to be one that I am not extremely good at. You could even say I suck at it. Growing older I became a little wiser, and now I would like to share my humble knowledge. Of course the legend Don Juan was a master at this in his days; however I strongly believe he would have difficulties with modern woman. Starting up a conversation with a woman in a bar is oft (mis)read as ´´I wanna sleep with you´´. When woman are in a group they are usually concerned of what the other group members think of their actions. It may never look slutty of course. If a woman gets too much attention of the boys, jealousy can sneak into the group. And jealous woman..!! I can dedicate a chapter to that subject! Then woman appear to be firm politicians. Alliances are made, and the mental pressure will be raised upon the particular subject. No weapon in the arsenal is forbidden in this fight; lying, gossiping and hateful behaviour will be used to get a ‘’friend’’ back in line.

Being a Don Juan these days, you have to work very carefully. Especially humour helps a lot. If you can make a woman laugh, you are almost half way there. Do not butter up too much. Don’t tell her how beautiful she looks (yet). It sounds oft too shallow and modern woman no very well how pretty they look. It’s also not clever to go for the prettiest in the group. All group members know damn well who the prettiest girl is, and will feel rejected. On top of that the best looking girl has a wider range of men to pick from; this will decrease your chances. She can reject you just like that, and try on the next in line.
Don’t push yourself too much to your future date. Keep it loose and relaxed. But don’t start shopping. Don’t start checking the mood of the other chick in her presence. She should feel you are exclusively for her. Then reduce the attention a bit, to see if the fish bites. Usually they will try and find some kind of confirmation from you. Even if they might look not that interested in you at first. And if they are trying to get your attention, your job is done for about 90%. Then you can start harvesting. Get her phone number. Pick a calendar-date for a date and so on. For men with little experience in dating; Google ‘’do and no do at first date’’. Could safe you a lot of trouble. Of course you can take all my advices, and wipe your ass with it. You can just go out there and follow your heart ore dick. Ore something in the middle.. The most important thing I learned was: the biggest mistake you can make is not trying it!